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Wednesday 16 November 2016

Christmas Blogember-day 16 -pantomimes

I love a good pantomime but sad to say haven't been to one for a few years unless we count school Christmas performances of my charges.

Who doesn't like a panto villian and a customary "he's behind you"? They are always generally a classic story such as Snow White,Cinderella etc.

So there we are a very short blog today but go look up what's on in your area.

Happy Christmas Jumper Day also hope your all wearing yours!!

Sunday 13 November 2016

Wellington country park near Reading in Berkshire

A few hours spent in the late October sunshine with two of my uni friends and gorgeous baby girl at Wellington Country Park near Reading.

This is a very quick blog post about my trip here in half term as I didn't spend very long here and did not engage with all the activities on offer as we were with a 8 month old so there was not as much she could engage with but did love the animals.

 As you can see from the photo here the weather was beautiful and we had a lovely stroll around the lake which would be lovely at anytime of year as it doesn't take to long and you could stop and have a picnic. 
The petting zoo area is a lovely size and a few different farmyard animals for children to look at.  In the wooded area there were some cool dinosaur models to look at so would be great for any dinosaur enthusiasts.
Facilities include a large cafĂ© and shop with plenty of indoor seating and outdoor seating. The cost is reasonable for what it is so go on over to the website for further information and details on special events.

They also arrange scavenger hunts and work shops which sounds fun defintley a must for small children.

I liked it here and a day could be made of it but more for 2-8 years for my recommended age of children.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Remember Remember the 5th November

Image result for fireworks

The year is going really fast and this weekend is Bonfire Night.  This is a lovely time of year to share with your family and friends.  I thought I would devote this blog to some fun activities you can do on the lead up to the 5th.

Fireworks collages/paintings
Most effective with black paper as your base.  Use tissue paper, glitter, paint and get your children to create their own art masterpiece.

Make some firework party food

Image result for pinwheel sandwichesImage result for firework party food
I found loads of different ideas on pinterest and have saved some to my board.  Here is the link to ideas.

Make some Firework decorations

Image result for firework decorationsImage result for firework decorationsImage result for firework decorations

Hold a firework party
After making lots of delicious food why not invite friends and family round to enjoy it.  If you are having fireworks at home make sure all little ones are aware of firework safety and are kept away from the fireworks.

Image result for firework [party

Remember to keep safe when using fireworks around young children. Happy Bonfire Night.