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Saturday 2 September 2017

Back to school

Sounds of parents rejoicing around the country as this week the kids are finally going back to school. Hope you have all enjoyed your summer break and the kids have had lots of fun. I can't believe how quick its gone and despite some questionable weather at times we have all survived.  On the approach to going back to school everybody needs to be prepared mentally and physically so here is a few tips to be on your best form.

1. Make sure the week before children resume their school bedtime routine as everything becomes more relaxed when nobody has to get up early.
2.repack school bags,check name labels etc so you can get any last min bits
3.keep the first few days back at school calm with lots of free evenings as they are going to be really tired.
4. Night before lay out school uniforms, prepare any pack lunches and put out school bags
5.Set an alarm to make sure everyone has the time they need
6.enforce a no screentime rule an hour before bedtime to enable a more restful nights sleep.

Hope everybody has a great first week back!
Nanny Bicester x

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