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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Hoilday Activities in Oxfordshire

  1. Go for a walk along the river thames.

This is such an easy thing to do with your little ones and costs nothing. Before you leave on your walk get them to create a list of things they think they might see for example boats, trees,animals and they can tick them off or tally (dependent on age).  If you are feeling super lazy there are many online treasure hunt sheets that can be printed off.

  1. Visit a soft play centre

The kids I look after are 7 and 10 but we still love visiting a soft play centre now and again to blow off some steam especially in the unpredictable english weather.

The ones we enjoy are Snakes and Ladders in Abingdon and Partyman World in Oxford next to the Kassam Stadium

  1. Swimming

Some of the Oxfordshire community pools do free swim fun sessions for children which is a perfect way to save some pennies and have some fun.

  1. Visit some local parks with some friends

Arrange a playdate with some friends and weather dependent take a picnic and a football/skates/scooters and maybe a flask of something hot for mummies/daddies/nannies and enjoy the British Outdoors.

  1. Board games

The kids i look after have recently discovered the love of games such as monopoly and chess.  One of them has started chess club at school and has even taught me how to play.  May I add that I'm forgetful and require a list to remind me which way the pieces are allowed to move and haven't quite conquered "check mate" but never less I'm getting there.

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