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Tuesday 24 May 2016

Activity of the week- local park runs

|So this weekend I have tried something new hurrah and went to do the Bicester Park run on a drizzly Saturday morning at 9am!!
I'll be honest I didn't know how I would do as I can only do short jog/walking as im not fit enough but I liked the look of doing parkrun as its absolutely free and people of all ages and abilities and join in.  I loved it and it only took me 40 min doing a light jog.

I thought it would be good to put on as an activity of the week as I saw quite a few people doing this with their children.  What a great way to get children outdoors and enjoying keeping fit and if they get too tired they can just walk.  The children there seem to really enjoy it as well.

Link to the website is below I suggest you go and see where your local run is its so fun and best of all your not committed into doing it every week.

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