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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Weaning your baby onto solid food

I haven't written an 'informative' blog post for a while so as my nephew has just started weaning recently it came to me that it would be a good topic to share my perspective on.  Although I currently do not work with babies I have had many a child throw their very appealing pureed fruit/veg/whatever it may be over me over the years. Safe to say I don't miss that!!
So the time has come to wean your baby.  One of the first moments that they are starting to grow up and hopefully some teeth are starting to rear their ugly heads. (Ooh teething another blog post idea!!)

The reccomended advice is that parents should do this at 6 months as your baby should then of learnt how to swallow and not just suck. I am not a mother so this is just my opinion but I see no reason why you cant start at 4 months (defiantly not before!!!) as long as your baby is ready.  Go with your instinct and not just what the health visitor tells you as they do not always know best and every child is different.

Signs they are ready for solid food
  • They make mouthing movements when others are eating around them
  • Increased appetite 
  • Moves their jaw when you try to give them food
  • good head and neck control
  • developing teeth
  • chewing their hands a lot!!!  
  • maintain a healthy weight since birth
What should I give them?
Start off by giving them baby rice mixed with a little bit of breast milk/formula a couple of times a day. Remember that the process takes time and not to rush them.  Half of it may end up being spat out or on the floor so persevere and maybe only a couple of teaspoons to start.
Next add in some puréed vegetables such as carrot or sweet potato. My advice here is to stick to one flavour at a time so your baby can get used to it.  Also it is reccomended that you start with doing vegetables before fruit as fruit is naturally sweeter so they will learn to like vegetables.

What is baby led weaning?
Baby led weaning is simply letting your baby feed themselves from the beginning!  That sounds crazy you say especially with pureed food however research shows that babies reach for their food from six months so can be effective if you start at this age.  You should definitely do your research first and look into how to do it and also it can be very messy! follow the link below to a website I have found that can help you.

My perceptive on this personally is abit of both methods.  Babies are getting to explore the food themselves in baby led weaning such as with bread however eating fruit and veg maybe better being fed to them.  You can encourage them to hold the spoon from an early point and they will get used to using it.

Recommended on the go foods?
Everybody needs some convient items to hand and Ella's kitchen are tasty and nutrious but beware are pricey.  Nothing replaces fresh food from home but these are good to carry around in your bag.  I've linked the website below but you can pick up these in your supermarket. I recently ended up eating the strawberries and banana pouch I had bought for my niece it was yummy!!


  • Batch make the food as you then wont spend ages peeling and slicing everyday and you can buy little freezer pots to freeze some for when you need it!
  • Only give small portions to start with they only have small stomachs.
  • Read mummy/daddy blogs for recipe ideas

Any foods to avoid?
Recommended advice says that gluten, fish and eggs are better avoided till the baby is six months so if your baby is younger seek advice from your health visitor/doctor.

How do I heat up my babies food?
Jars of baby food can be heated up by placing them in a bowl of hot water.  Always ensure piping hot throughout then remove and allow to cool off slightly.
Using a microwave or on the hob are both fine as long as its been cooked at the right temperature and allowed to cool it will be fine.  A food thermometer can be a good investment (check online for recommended information)

Useful website links

Just to finish on I want to remind my readers that these are my views on my experiences of weaning with babies and knowledge I have gained from others over the years.  I hope you find this blog useful but speak to other parents, forums, health visitors, childcare professionals about their experiences and look online-Knowledge is Power!!

Did you find this useful? Any other questions regarding weaning? When did you wean/when will you wean?

Please comment below or get in touch via my twitter link

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